Sunday, July 10, 2011

Home Flea Remedy UPDATE!!...& Additional News

Two days after the home flea remedy wash & spray treatment I was checking my dogs for fleas and there were none to be found. However the very next day I found a flea on my couch and that is where it all began again. The day after I found a flea on my couch I found two fleas on my carpet and at least one to three fleas on each dog. Originally I thought that maybe the wash & spray treatment didn't work as well as I thought but after some flea research apparently fleas can set up house keeping in your carpet, furniture, or any other fabric-like materials. Therefore even though I washed everything that could fit in my washing machine unfortunately my carpet and couches could not. So I set off on a Petsmart* adventure to find a new remedy. I came accross Sentry Home Sergeant's Home and Carpet Spray Flea Control Plus Odor Control for $10.39 (with your Petsmart Rewards card*). I purchased this item in hopes that it will huff and puff and blow the flea's houses down! I will try it tomorrow and we will see for sure in a few days. I will post with a follow up update.

Here is the item I purchased...

This item can be purchased at any Petsmart* retail stores or


My poor poor Tootsie Roll has finally came into her first heat at 8 1/2 months of age. We originally thought that she had already had a small heat because of her age and also because our little boy Rowdy was going NUTS a few weeks ago, but we were oh so wrong. We had plans to go out of town for a couple of weeks now and had made arrangements for a family member to watch our precious pups while we were gone for our one night away vacation. Friday morning we woke bright and early, packing our bags ready to hit the road when my husband noticed a couple of drops of red substance and a very swollen Tootsie bottom. The dreaded "heat" came practically as we were on our way out the door. We couldn't change our plans now even as much as I hated to leave my baby girl in her condition, so we called the dog sitter and confirmed that it would be okay that he still watch over the "kids". He assured us it would be fine and that he would keep Rowdy the horn dog away from our innocent little girl. It is not healthy for a dog to get pregnant in her first heat and it is also not healthy for a female to be fixed before the first heat comes and goes. Some vets will say that it can stunt her growth or shorten her life span and we were just not willing to risk it. You should always consult your own personal vet as to what he or she recommends for spay or neuter time frames for your own personal pets. Each breed may vary.
Anywho on our way home Saturday we decided it would be best to stop at Petsmart* (considering we already needed help with flea control) and pick up some big girl panties for our big girl. Some brilliant man or woman created protective panties for dogs! They come in a variety of colors, sizes, and have male and female options. They are simply absorbent cloth diapers that velcro on and have a hole in the back for the tail. We knew Tootsie wouldn't be a big fan but after an hour or so of chasing her own bottom she finally gave up and accepted her new temporary pants.

Aren't they cute? With the help of these doggy diapers and a little separation from the anxious Rowdy I think we will make it through Tootsie's first heat like a piece of cake. Next step? Make an appointment with our vet!

Here is a photo of the doggy diapers that I purchased...

This item can be found at Petsmart* or for $12.74 with your Petsmart Rewards card.

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