This story is COMPLETELY true.
Before I begin the story of how my Dachshund family began let me take a moment to thank you for visiting my blog about my own personal Dachshund stories. Having stayed at home with my three Dachshunds for quite sometime now I have realized that my dogs are absolutely hilarious. I originally thought that staying at home would be boring but the things that my dogs do throughout the day keep me in stitches. I find so much joy in my dogs that I thought, "Hmm.. why shouldn't I share my joy with others through the wonderful world wide web?". This blog will contain pictures, videos, and stories of the funny and interesting things that my three "kids" do while I'm at home with them. I hope you find this blog light-hearted, up-lifting, and a brightener to your day.
And the story begins...
March 2010
It is early morning, pouring rain, and there I am in my dress clothes hiding under an umbrella standing in the mud with my red miniature Dachshund, Dixie, begging her to do her business so I can get on with my day. I acquired Dixie from my ex-husband for an early Christmas present that previous fall. Needless to say Dixie Land Delight made a better mate for me than he did which left me broke, working two jobs and living in a cracker box of an apartment on the outskirts of Houston, scraping change to try to take care of myself and my little girl. With my day beginning at 7 a.m. and sometimes ending as late as 11 p.m., I knew that my little Dixie Land needed a better home. Dachshunds need a place to roam, a place to call their own. Our tiny apartment just didn't do the trick. Dixie was kenneled throughout the day while I was at work which left her to have to "hold it" for far too long. Not only were there many accidents for me to clean up along with my late arrival home from work but she was also coming into heat and had contracted worms from the doggy doo-doo area at my apartment complex. It was clear that as much as I hated to admit it, I was an unfit Dachshund Mom. I could not give Dixie the TLC that was needed. I knew I needed to find her a home. I put it off as long as I could, but I knew I was being selfish and needed to put Dixie's needs before my own.
Dixie was a wonderful little girl, always showering me with kisses and happy to see me after my long day of "bringing home the bacon". She was the perfect companion for me and a true blessing from God during those rough times in my life going through my divorce. I did not want to have to say goodbye to my best friend, my cuddle buddy. She was who greeted me and who made me feel safe. I had never lived by myself before therefore I found her presence an uplifting comfort. I figured I had a long way to go before another relationship came around or a career, whichever came first, so I knew what I had to do. I searched and searched and found the perfect home for my little Dixie Land Delight. A friend of the family and my Step-Mom's coworker, I knew this was someone I could keep in contact with and make sure my girl was being treated right. And so the day came when my friend arrived to pick up her new pet pal. I wasn't sure I could do this. I gathered her things as I wiped a tear from my eye and tried to look strong.
"Please, let me pay you. I know how much you love this dog."
"No, no. Money is the last thing I want. Just take good care of her. She needs to go to the vet and I just can't afford it."
I carried Dixie to my friend's car and as she licked my nose one last time, I completely lost it. I couldn't hold myself together anymore. The one thing I had to come home to I'm having to give away. I know I chose her a good home but the selfish side of me screamed "NO! DON'T DO IT!" inside of me so loudly that I could no longer hear myself think. I begged my friend to leave as quickly as possible before I ran out of tissues. I watched Dixie Land Delight push her nose against the window as her chariot rolled away. I cried myself to sleep that night. I had never been without a dog. First a Golden Retriever, then my two Maltese, and now my Dachshund. I was in love. I knew I would always have to have a Dachshund in my life after the way Dixie touched my heart so deeply. Unfortunately I was in no condition to have one under my "roof", if that is what you'd like to call it. I knew it would be a while before I could properly welcome another four legged friend into my life.
May 2010
It was an average Monday with the usual hustle and bustle of my daily duties at my job. Eight in the morning is when I was to punch in the time clock and report to the front desk to assist the receptionist in whatever duties were necessary. I had overslept that morning and did not put much effort into my appearance. Afterall, who did I need to impress? I was positive I was going to stay single for at least another five years or even more. After my rotten divorce and too many rotten dates I had sworn off men and promised myself to only focus on work and my much needed education.
I was looking down, focused on my paperwork when I heard a man's voice.
"...(awkward pause)..."
I was awstruck by this gentlemen in Wrangler jeans with his well-groomed, clean cut appearance paired with his striking blue eyes.
"I need to leave this at the front desk for my cousin."
"Hello. Oh, alright."
"...(awkward pause)...(smile)..."
"Her name is Candace."
"Oh yes, I know Candace. I'll be sure she gets it."
"Yeah, sure, you're welcome."
As I watched this Wrangler man exit the building I knew I must be blushing.
"I think you found a boyfriend!", joked the receptionist.
"Yeah right!"
I was once again looking down, trying my best to focus on my work after such an eye-opening encounter when I heard the man's voice again.
"Oh I meant to tell you, her last name is Smith." (alternate name)
"Oh yeah, I know. Thanks."
"Ok.. (smile).. Thanks."
WOW. Was this Wrangler wrapped package flirting with ME? Surely not. I could not possible be so lucky to get attention from someone so breathtakingly hansome.
I delivered the item as promised but had to add..
"Dude, your cousin is HOTT."
"That's funny, because he wants to come back and get your number."
Was I dreaming?! This cannot be so!
I got a phone call Wednesday and our first date was Friday. On our date I suppose our conversation was reasonably normal for a first date. Throughout our conversation Ricky told me that he had two miniature Dachshunds. I was immediately SOLD. A handsome southern, single man with two miniature Dachshunds. What more could a girl want? I knew it was love. We were married on December 19, 2010. On December 22, 2010 I was presented with an early Christmas present. A piebald miniature Dachshund puppy which I named Tootsie Roll. Our family now contained of us along with 3 beautiful miniature Dachshunds.
I hope you have enjoyed my first posted Dachshund Story. Next I will be posting photos of our three lovely babies. Thanks for reading!